If you're one of my five readers here and you're not my facebook friend, you haven't read this yet. This is a repost of a note I wrote about two weeks ago during the last week of my job at 95.3 the Beach and WiLD 106.1, two stations I will forever and ever treasure working for.... Enjoy!
So if you've been watching my Facebook you know that I am leaving for the moon AKA Chico, CA this weekend. After eight years (and six years longer than I meant to be here) I'm taking my Sennheisers and my radio and going on to be a mother effing program director, again and or finally. Depending on who you ask. ;) I mean it was on allaccess yesterday so I guess I've gotta go!
But first, let me do this: let me hand out love to the people who got me here:
First and foremost my
Dad deserves props for getting me into the family business. Yeah, radio is an unholy dog from hell but it turns out that I'm adequate at it and I've made some of the greatest friends in the world because of it. So even when I've struggled and couldn't always get my way in the business I've been thankful to my dad for getting me into it and supporting me when Ive needed it. I love you!
Also huge crazy love to my friend, my brother, my protégée the amazing
Tristan Negranti who I have taught everything I know and who I have learned from as well. Never hire people who can't teach you things, you're only ripping yourself off. This guy is now the gaurdian of two of the first things Ive ever loved, New Rock and our amazing brain baby the Punk Ass Bitches Show (and about 15000 dollars worth of my music collection) and I am so proud of him. Thanks brother for everything.
Speaking of the Punk Ass Bitches Show, I love you brats too, past and present.
Taylor Stevens is a force to be reckoned with and has amazing hair ;). No seriously he's the annoying brother I never wanted and watching him book shows and be freaking amazing over the years fills me with pride. You done good son. And of course the other Punk Ass Bitch in my life,
Jon Hansen, there aren't words dude. We fought a war together and probably with each other too but this kid's brain is scary and you should run and hide when he wants something, because he'll get it. Get out the way people, this guy will cut you. I love you both so much and Im honored to have shared a studio/mic legacy with you.
Then there is the legendary
Teresa Lara. Tee lee, t-rawk, sister of mine... Damn dude nothing I can say about you is public appropriate but that's why were friends. To the grave damnit. You're my blood and my heart and goddamn I do not know how Im going to do anything without you. Thank you for being my agent, my friend, my Mexican mafia and thanks for sharing your parents with me when I've been 200 miles away from mine. And hemming my pants. And cutting my jeans off. At the office. Ha ha. Remember that you are the best in the world and even when I'm on the moon you only need to call if you need a damn thing. We's family now, polite left three exits back.
On the family tip let me throw this out there; thank you and holy hella love to
Danny Palicios, DJ Slick, Javi and DJ Sol for bringing me into the WiLD 106 family and never once making me feel like an outsider even when I clearly didn't know what I was doing. You all have been like brothers to me which is crazy because I've never had brothers but Im assuming this is what it's like. You guys are the best and I love you!
Hugs and holy crap thank yous to Rich Hawkins, Jason Squires, Jason Griffin, Jennifer Lea Goodwin, Amber Vanek, k-Dizzle, Darcy and freaking everyone who told me to do this. This includes you Steve Murray, Jenn Wynn, gorgeous Nicole no longer Sigman, amazing Rachel, Rob Weldon, all my awesome listeners who are now and always will be my friends, just wow thank you. Yes you too beautiful Tiffany Olguin, Micheala Tanner my social director for the last bit here. Vance Fahie, you're a prince and Im so glad we got to work together before we left. Scott Taylor and his amazing wife too, thank you thank you!
And finally there is this: a year ago I wasn't working at all and some dork with a funny name gave me a job and while it wasn't at the time the job I dreamed of, it was a life raft and it was a board and it was a mic and me talking on the air again and it was just what the eff I needed. If there's is anyone on the planet that I owe anything to that I'm not related to, it is the lovely and talented, the supremely amazing, crazy to still be here in SLO because he's that goddamn good, kind, paitent and above all slightly scary
Jojo Mother Effing Lopez. When I am 900 years old living on the moon I will still remember and be grateful this guy, because even though my leaving is sucking donkey ass at work he pushed me to do this and helped me to go through it. I couldn't and wouldn't have done it without his support and I am enternally grateful. My brother from another mother, my friend, yeah dude, gonna miss you like hell.
And so that's it. Eight years. Over and out.
Thank you Central Coast. Visit me on the moon sometime.
On that note I'll try to keep up on my blog in the future. It will be easier once I get the internet turned on at my new place.